As the Eldest

As the Eldest, the task of signing my brother's death certificate fell to me. As the Eldest, I know Luke's desire to escape Word of Life was because he was following my lead.

Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara identifies me as "the face of the Leonard family." I am honored to accept that title. My name is Kristel Holly Leonard, the eldest of Bruce Leonard's children, and eldest sibling of Lucas Leonard. I attended Word of Life Christian Church from age 10-35, till I left in July 2014.

Baby Luke and me, summer 1996
Luke's 2nd birthday


  1. I just heard this story today. Tiffanie Irwin did not get a sufficiently harsh sentence, in my view. Neither did Sarah Ferguson. Those women are monsters and they should never be released.

    So sorry for your loss, Kristel. I hope your family finds peace.


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