
Showing posts from 2017

David's Sentencing

David Morey was sentenced on January 9, 2017, to 5 years in state prison. While he was complicit in committing very much the same crimes as Joseph Irwin, David did so, I believe, because he was under the complete control of the Irwins. After the sentencing, David's defense attorney, Michele DeTraglia thanked me for the statement I gave, saying that it touched David and was what he needed to hear.                  David grew up being trained as the slave of the Irwin boys, meekly following their orders. Even his mother, Linda, was trained to see her son in that role. I remember one day when the boys were still quite young, around 10, the founding pastor, Jerry Irwin, scolded Linda for allegedly thinking that his boys, Daniel and Joseph, existed solely to entertain her son, David. At that point, the boys were simply playmates, and David was the oldest of the three. But even then, it was being established that the oldest would serve the youngest.                 I fe

Linda's Sentencing

Linda Morey's husband is a saint. ...And I will just leave that right there. Initially, I thought that writing the Victim Impact Statements for Linda and her son, David, would be easier than the others. I was mistaken. Yes, Linda "drew first blood" the night of October 11, 2015, when she punched my brother, Christopher, in the face. Linda is also the one that fetched the weapon--the power cord--that was wielded by my step-sister, Sarah, when she inflicted the lethal blows on Lucas. Yet, I knew that Linda was an instrument of the Irwins' making. And I knew that she is dearly loved by her husband. Therefore, my statement at her sentencing on January 9, 2017, was tempered by these facts. Linda's remarks following my statement did seem remorseful, although she did not apologize directly to the victims or their family.                 I cannot understand what possesses a person to be so uncaring toward another human, even to the point of being viciously mea

Tiffanie's Sentencing

Tiffanie Irwin was sentenced on Dec. 19, 2016, to 12 years in state prison. In her remarks after my statement, she berated District Attorney Scott McNamara and Judge Michael Dwyer, accusing them of being unfair and partial. This led to her demand to be permitted to withdraw her plead and receive a fair trial. Judge Dwyer meticulously examined her understanding of what accepting the plea had meant, and, satisfied with her comprehension of what she had done, he refused her "request," adding, "I think you’ve demonstrated to everybody that your statement of remorse is just that: a statement. There’s no feeling attached to it. That’s my opinion.” The impacts of this crime are many, broad, and far-reaching.  The wrongdoing was not isolated to October 11-12, 2015, nor was it limited to only Luke’s family members. In fact, my experience convinces me that the culpability lies far more heavily with the Irwin family as the leaders of Word of Life Christian Church, since

Joseph's Sentencing

Joseph Irwin was sentenced on Dec. 19, 2016, to 8 years in state prison. Following my statement, he made a few remarks of his own. Judge Dwyer easily saw through the crocodile tears and fake emotion. No one was impressed when Joseph declared his forgiveness to Judge Dwyer, District Attorney McNamara, and to me--for what I had said about him in my statement. He included a statement of apology, but not in taking any responsibility for his own actions: “I loved Luke like a brother. He was one of my only friends in this world and now he’s gone. ...I’m really sorry about Luke. You’ll never know how sorry I am for Luke. I’m sorry I didnt stop it that day, and I’ll have to live with that for the rest of my life.”Joseph went on to place the blame for the tragedy squarely on my head. As he stood at the podium, he turned to try to find me in the gallery. I was seated directly behind him though, so he was unable to see me. He did address me directly however, "Kristel... you have no idea what

Daniel's Sentencing

The second sentencing at which I presented a statement was for Daniel Irwin on Dec. 16, 2016. He received a 2 year sentence in the county jail, as did his mother, Traci Irwin. They were both released from the Oneida County Correctional Facility on March 24, 2017. I do want to point out that Daniel was genuinely remorseful and shed a few sincere tears at my statement. Judge Dwyer also noted his remorse. Depraved indifference. These are the words that come to mind when I think about Daniel Irwin’s actions on October 11 & 12, 2015. In fact, he has continued his depraved indifference and utter disregard for human life. Uncaring, even mocking and scoffing.  He is being sentenced to two years in the county jail. I understand and appreciate the reasons why, but I feel the sentence is much too light. My brothers’ lives are worth far more than that—they are invaluable. Thoughts of Daniel’s release are fraught with consternation. I would request, for the record, that Daniel be prohibi

Traci's Sentencing

The first victim impact statement I wrote was for Traci Irwin, the founding pastor's wife and current pastor's mother. She was represented in court by Frank Policelli and received a 2 yr sentence for her part in the crimes. Traci and her son, Daniel, were released from Oneida County Correctional Facility on March 24, 2017.  (Pictures Credit: Sarah Condon/Observer-Dispatch via AP) I am grateful to D.A. McNamara and Judge Dwyer for allowing me the opportunity to address the court during Traci's sentencing, which happened on Dec. 5, 2016. I always cherished my position as the biggest big sister. My dad often called me “the Eldest.” Never once did I imagine that being the eldest would mean that I would have the responsibility of signing my brother’s death certificate. After leaving the authoritarian group, known as Word of Life Christian Church, in July 2014, I clung to the hope that one day my family would also break free from it and our relationship


On October 12, 2015, a lightning bolt struck the destructive cult known as Word of Life Christian Church in Chadwicks, NY. The information compiled here is in honor of the hero who released his strength in one powerful strike -- my brother, Lucas Benjamin Leonard. The shock waves of this explosion continue to ripple and resonate.   Anger rises with a chokehold clutching my trembling frame, smothering my soul with thick, black smoke. Caustic. Sorrow rushes with murky raging floods, a tsunami consuming me in anguish and confusion. Destructive. Questions churn violently in a cloud of ash overhead: “How?” “Why?” Abrasive. Toxic. Desperate, my eyes search for a glimpse of beauty to rise from these ashes, and once more, I see Lukey’s lightning bolt in the midst of the volcanic storm. I remember my promise to my baby brother, to my hero. “I will be your thunder.” Perhaps most importantly you will find answers from insider perspective to the who, why, an