
Showing posts from October, 2021

A Hero's Soul Released

Six years ago, the soul of a hero was released from his battered and bloodied body. Today, I grieve. I grieve hard and the tears come too easy--not only for Luke, but also for all that has been lost, which cannot be recovered. My thoughts, my memories and emotions are diverse--existing along a spectrum from deep, mired grief to enormous, swelling pride for my brothers' bravery. At this time, six years past the date that will forever mark the before and after in my life, closure is still elusive, and I question exactly what is justice. Nothing has happened that I would consider justice in this case. Punitive, vengeful reactions are not justice. Justice is transformative, creative, safe. If justice had been served, we would feel safe and assured that the harm will not be repeated. Considering that Joseph Irwin will most likely be out of prison on this date one year from now, will we feel safe? Why is it that an offender is released to serve parole or probation in the county of commit