
Showing posts from 2018

Visiting at Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, NY

Updated August 15, 2019 We have made the 4-hour trip to Dannemora's Clinton Correctional Facility several times in the past two years. Dad was originally transferred to Clinton Correctional Facility in July 2017. He was transported from there for a family court hearing a couple months later and ended up spending too long at Auburn--in the SHU--because the court date was postponed. He returned to Clinton in October 2017 and has been quite content to stay put ever since. The atmosphere of Clinton is much more laid back and overall pleasant (as far as prisons go) than other facilities we have visited--both local jails and state prisons. I like to say it is because of the location. Anybody who has a view of the glorious Adirondack High Peaks on a regular basis cannot possibly have their panties in a wad. Our typical route takes us through Plattsburgh, as we go north on I-87 (the Northway). Green Mountains of VT seen across Lake Champlain from Plattsburgh, NY From there,

Steven Hassan's blog on WLCC

When our tragedy began, Steven Hassan was an instant, invaluable resource for us. Our dear friend, Father Rich Dibble, first contacted Steven for assistance in understanding how to reach my father and help rescue him from the cult identity and mindset. Steven also sent a packet of materials in addition to a personal letter to Judge Michael Dwyer to consider at my father's sentencing. Later, Mr. Hassan wrote a blog post on his website, . The post,  A Word of Life Christian Church Tragedy , provides excellent insight from an expert point of view. Steven Hassan M.Ed. LMHC, NCC has helped thousands of individuals and families recover from undue influence (mind control). With over 40 years of experience, he is sought after as one of the foremost authorities on undue influence and controlling groups and individuals. Steve understands the subject from a unique perspective as both a former cult member and as a clinical professional. Steven is the Founding

Luke's Memorial Bench

In October 2017 we installed a memorial bench in Luke's honor on the hillside in the Town of Paris Park, overlooking the swimming pools where Luke served as a lifeguard. The bench was funded by the generous donations of caring community members, who chose to give toward a memorial for Luke. Because of the continued schism in our family, due to the wedge of loyalty to the Irwins, an actual memorial service was not possible. I decided, as the eldest and legal next-of-kin to Luke, that a publicly located memorial was best. Also, I did not want to continue holding on to the monetary donations and felt the community deserved a place to honor our hero. I am grateful to the board members of the Town of Paris who easily agreed to my request and graciously supplied the concrete slab on which the bench is installed. Abundant thanks to all those who donated to the GoFundMe account and have offered support throughout this tragedy. Luke's uncles, Tim and Jason Leonard, attached the ben

Bruce's Sentencing

I have done difficult things. Many of these difficult things have been related to the death of my brother, Lucas Benjamin Leonard, on October 12, 2015. Speaking at our father's sentencing was definitely one of the most difficult. Our father, Bruce Leonard, was originally arrested and charged with first-degree manslaughter. I immediately knew that this was not an accurate reflection of the truth of what happened. The Grand Jury indicted him along with the other defendants on 13 counts, 6 of which were later dismissed. At the last minute, one day before his trial was to begin, Dad chose to plead guilty to 1st and 2nd degree assault. The sentence would be 15-16 years. Sarah Ferguson's trial did begin the next day. D.A. Scott McNamara asked me to speak on behalf of my father at his sentencing. Typically, the prosecution provides opportunities for victims to speak at the sentencing of a criminal, but Mr. McNamara understood the need for my father's true identity to be presente

Debi's Sentencing

My step-mother, Deborah Wright Leonard was sentenced on February 6, 2017, to 5 years in New York state prison. Debi was the first to take a plea deal, which happened relatively early in the case--Dec. 2, 2015. The authentic Debi came forward for a brief period following her arrest and incarceration. When she was asked by Judge Michael Dwyer and the Oneida County District Attorney what the motivation was for the beatings of my brothers, she responded that Lucas had expressed a desire to leave Word of Life Church and had in fact attended a different church the previous August. ...He attended church with me. That was a big no-no, and Debi knew that. She told the judge that she was concerned about what would happen if Tiffanie Irwin found out. When I went to visit Debi in the Oneida County Correctional Facility, she revealed that she thought I had gone behind her and my father's backs to convince Luke to come with me to church. She was quite surprised to learn that Luke was the one who